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Do You Need New Ductwork? 3 Signs That Say Yes

New Ductwork Installation

Homeowners in Virginia Beach, Virginia, rarely think about their HVAC system’s ducts until there’s a significant problem. That’s because this vital component sits out of sight behind walls and above ceilings. Don’t let hidden ducts excuse you from taking care of them. Read on to learn three signs that you should invest in new ductwork.

Higher Energy Costs

Your electricity company hasn’t raised the rates, but you’re spending more on energy each month. What could be the cause? While there are many possible problems, leaking ductwork is one of the most common. While sealing the leak will repair the issue temporarily, if you have multiple duct leaks, you might need new ductwork.

Dirt and Dust Buildup

A buildup of dirt and dust around the supply vents in your home signals that your ducts are filthy. You’ll experience allergy symptoms while inside your home because of the buildup. While a duct cleaning can help to remove dirt and dust in the ducts, you might need new ducts if there’s more serious buildup like microbial growth.

Visible Damage

No matter how much of a DIY enthusiast you are, you should never try to repair damaged ducts yourself. That’s because doing so can cause more damage or even personal injury. That said, you can walk around your home and inspect any visible ductwork for dents, cracks or other signs of damage. If you notice a lot of visible damage, your ductwork might be beyond repair. In that case, you’ll need new ductwork.

Do you suspect your HVAC system’s ducts are in bad condition? Don’t sit idle and let a duct leak blow your hard-earned money out the window. Take action right away. Contact Fair Mechanical to schedule a professional consultation to see if you need new ductwork. We can complete the new ductwork installation for you without hassle.

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