4 Inexpensive Ways to Cut Cooling Costs This Summer

Cooling Costs

Energy prices have skyrocketed across the country. Today, homeowners in Chesapeake, VA, are paying nearly double the price to fill their tanks than they did at the start of the year. As a result, people are looking for ways to save without compromising their comfort and quality of life too much. One of the fastest ways to do so is by cutting your cooling costs. That’s because air conditioning accounts for about half of an average household’s energy bills.

Change the Filter Monthly

A clean air conditioner filter prevents particles from collecting in the system and recirculating in your home’s air supply. When dust and dirt accumulate in your AC system, they inhibit efficient operation. As a result, your cooling bills are costlier. What’s more, your risk of requiring unexpected air conditioning repairs increases.

Keep Conditioned Air Inside and Hot Air Outside

You waste a lot of the energy you consume to cool your home if you can’t keep conditioned air inside and hot air outside. On hot and sunny days, use blinds or shades to block the sunlight, reducing how often your air conditioner cycles. On cooler nights, keep windows closed to keep humid air outside and drier, cooler air inside.

Avoid Using Heat-Releasing Appliances During the Day

Your air conditioner has enough to battle with when the weather outside is hot, humid and sunny. Adding to its workload by cooking in the oven, operating the clothes dryer and using the dishwasher will increase your cooling costs.

Use Your Ceiling Fans Correctly

Do you have ceiling fans in your home? Using them correctly can reduce your air conditioner’s workload, decreasing your cooling costs. In the summer, ensure the blades rotate counterclockwise to create a windchill effect. This will make the room you’re occupying feel cooler without needing to run the AC system as much.

While the aforementioned methods won’t cut your cooling costs by the hundreds, every dollar helps. Scheduling AC maintenance and upgrading to a smart thermostat are two investments worth making in your comfort that reward you with high returns. Contact Fair Mechanical today to learn more about how you can save money this summer.

Image provided by Thinkstock

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