Invest in an Air Purifier for Your Health , Comfort and HVAC Efficiency

Need Air Purifier

Most people in Chesapeake, VA, spend much of their time indoors. Whether it’s at home, at the office or inside a grocery, the air we breathe inside matters. Therefore, it’s best to ensure your home is a comfortable and healthy space in which to live. An air purifier is an essential IAQ device for your home and offers many benefits.

Enjoy Healthier Indoor Air

Air purifiers work to make sure indoor air is clean and healthy. The EPA currently estimates that indoor air can be up to five times more contaminated than outdoor air. Changing your HVAC system’s air filter should be an essential requirement. That’s because it gets rids of dirt and dust while flowing cleaner air into your home. But you need even more protection, and an air purifier provides it. Air purifiers don’t only remove dirt and dust. They reduce and eliminate harmful particles and pathogens that impact your health. Air purifiers can also reduce and eliminate volatile organic compounds and CO2 levels. As a result, they improve your respiratory health and cognitive abilities.

Get Rid of Odors Around Your home

Your house is susceptible to different smells from your cooking, waste disposal and even from your pet’s litter. Such scents can linger for a while, making you uncomfortable. A well-working air purifier can trap outdoor smells and absorb indoor odors, keeping your home fresh.

Improve Your HVAC Filter’s Durability

An HVAC system with an air purifier allows your system’s air filter to perform less work. This increases its lifespan as it serves the tasks without much strain or extra dirt buildup. Air purifiers can also improve airflow in a home and reduce the strain your HVAC system experiences.

Your indoor air quality keeps you healthier and ensures you sleep and breathe easier in your home. Contact our team at Fair Mechanical to learn more about our indoor air quality systems and services.

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