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Learn More About High-Efficiency HVAC Replacement Systems

High-Efficiency HVAC Replacement

Is your HVAC system in Portsmouth, VA, past its prime and operating inefficiently? Rather than wasting money on frequent repairs, consider investing in a high-efficiency HVAC replacement instead. Before replacing your HVAC system, weigh the pros and cons of doing so and make sure you hire a qualified company to help guide you.

When You Should Replace Your HVAC System

Determining if it’s the right time to invest in an HVAC replacement can help you save hundreds or even thousands. If your HVAC system is more than 10 years old and requires multiple repairs per year to keep it running, purchasing a newer model is a wise investment. Continuing to operate your old and inefficient HVAC system wastes a lot of money.

Consider the Energy Efficiency Ratings

When shopping for a new high-efficiency HVAC replacement, consider the energy efficiency ratings each system offers:

  • SEER: Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio measures an air conditioner and heat pump’s efficiency during the summer.
  • AFUE: Annualized Fuel Utilization Efficiency measures furnace efficiency during winter.
  • HSPR: Heating Seasonal Performance Factor measures a heat pump’s efficiency during winter.

For example, the DAIKIN FIT Heat Pump offers a SEER of up to 18 and an HSPR of up to 10. The DX20VC Air Conditioner offers up to 24.5 SEER, while the DM97MC Furnace offers up to 98 AFUE. We can help you decide what size and type of high-efficiency HVAC replacement will work best in your house for maximum comfort and energy savings.

Take Advantage of New HVAC Technology

Daikin high-efficiency HVAC replacement systems feature inverter technology. HVAC systems without inverters run at full speed, which leads to indoor temperature fluctuations and uses more energy. HVAC systems with inverters operate continually at a slower speed to provide your home with the precise temperature you desire around the clock.

To learn more about our selection of high-efficiency HVAC replacements, consider Fair Mechanical today. Our team is standing by to help you get the most out of your next furnace, heat pump, ductless mini-split or AC installation.

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