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Do My Pets Impact My Home’s Air Quality in Hampton, VA?


Pets can negatively impact the air quality in your home in Hampton, VA. Though you can certainly take steps to counteract these negative effects, you must first understand them. Here are a few ways in which your pets may harm your indoor air quality (IAQ):


Pets are among the most significant spreaders of allergens. Pet dander is a major allergen, and because these little flakes of skin are so tiny, they can be quite difficult to remove from the air, requiring some powerful filters.

If you’re allergic to pet dander, you know well the kinds of symptoms that inhaling it can create: coughing, sneezing, watery eyes, an itchy throat, constant sinus irritation, trouble breathing and more. To make matters worse, if your pets play outside often, they probably bring pollen and other allergens into your home.

Your Overall Health

The IAQ in your home significantly impacts your overall health, and if you aren’t careful, your pets may influence this for the worse. Even if you’re lucky enough to not be allergic to anything, pet dander, hair and particles from droppings can make it difficult to breathe and cause many symptoms that are similar to those that an allergy sufferer would experience. These things can even make it difficult to sleep, causing you to feel sluggish and exhausted in the morning.

HVAC Issues

Finally, your pets can inadvertently cause trouble for your HVAC system. If pet hair finds its way into the compressor, coils or filters, it can diminish general performance and harm your HVAC system’s ability to filter the air. To counteract this and clean out such debris, it’s essential that you schedule HVAC maintenance at least once per year.

Your furry friends may do a number on the air in your home in Hampton, VA, but there’s no reason for you to worry about that. Call Fair Mechanical to request our IAQ services and to let us help you breathe smoothly this spring.

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