4 Signs Your Home in Yorktown, VA, Needs IAQ Solutions

IAQ Device

Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) has many negative consequences for Yorktown, VA, homeowners. That includes breathing problems and cold and flu symptoms. Knowing the signs of poor IAQ lets you know when to take steps and add products to improve it. Here are some symptoms of poor IAQ that you need to know:

Sleeping Troubles

A common sign of bad IAQ is when one or more people in your home have trouble sleeping. This includes waking frequently in the middle of the night or waking in the morning and feeling like you barely slept. Sleep issues go along with poor indoor air quality because it can affect your breathing.

Allergy Symptoms

Those who struggle with seasonal allergies and even people without allergies can develop constant problems because of their home’s air quality. The symptoms range from dry and itchy eyes to frequent sneezing and wheezing. Using an air purifier is one of the best solutions for your home.

Cold and Flu Symptoms

Scheduling regular HVAC maintenance boosts your home’s air quality, but neglecting it can lead to an increase in cold and flu symptoms in your household. Tiredness, dizziness, coughing and sneezing are some of the common symptoms.

Dry Skin

The proper level of humidity in your home keeps your skin hydrated, but when your air is too dry in winter, your skin suffers. Dry skin is a sign of poor indoor air quality that can leave you struggling with rashes, itchy spots, and peeling or flaking skin. Those with eczema and similar conditions may experience worsening symptoms.

Tackle your IAQ problems today and eliminate the signs you experience, including dry skin, cold symptoms, sleeping troubles and allergies. Contact Fair Mechanical to learn about the best indoor air quality solutions for your home in Yorktown, VA.

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